Elisa stand for Enzyme-linked immunosorbent Assay which also known as enzyme immunoassay (EIA), contains an enzyme-antibody complex that can be used as a color tracer for antigen-antibody reaction. The enzymes used most often are horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase, both of which release a dye (chromogen) when exposed to their substrate. This technique also relies a solid support such as a plastic micro titer plate that can absorb (attract on its surface) the reactants.
As the body of the host responds to the invasive and toxigenic activities of a parasite, it passes through four distinct phases of infection and disease: the incubation period, the prodromium, the period of invasive, and the convalescent period. The incubation period the time form initial contact with the infectious agent to the appearance of the first symptoms. During the incubation period, the agent is multiplying at the portal of entry but has not yet caused enough damage to elicit symptoms. Although this period is relatively well defined and predictable for each microorganism, it does vary according to host resistance, degree of virulence, and distance between the target organ and the portal of entry (the farther apart, the longer the incubation period). Overall, an incubation period can range from several hours in pneumonic plaque to several years in leprosy. The majority of infections, however,...
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